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Tooth extraction in Simi Valley

Tooth extraction

There may come a time when a tooth becomes too painful or too damaged to save. To preserve our patients’ natural teeth, our dentist examines each person's individual needs before performing a tooth extraction. He may recommend tooth extraction if your tooth is too severely decayed or causing you excessive pain and risk of infection. With the care and health of our patients in mind, our dentist uses the latest tools and techniques when performing any procedure, including removing a tooth.

He begins the process by investigating the structural health of each tooth. Upon determining there is no saving the tooth, he will work with you to remove it. The exact process that he uses to remove a tooth will depend on your current situation. Some procedures do require removing gum tissue to access the root of the tooth. If this is the case for you, he takes the time to understand what will make you more comfortable and strive to achieve it.

Tooth extraction is a simple and relatively standard procedure

Our patients understand that having this procedure done with the right team of caring and trusted professionals will make it much more comfortable. For our patients who need a replacement tooth, we are happy to review restoration options.

If you have a painful tooth or one that is broken or severely damaged, contact the Elite Dental professionals for relief. There is no reason to continue suffering or risk further damage with Elite Dental in Simi Valley, so don't wait any longer, we are waiting to hear from you.

Location: 1720 E Los Angeles Ave #224 Simi Valley, CA 93065